Azusa Origin Story

About Us

Prior to the start of the pandemic, Maria and Frank Delgadillo were members of other Pacer Nation clubs (Pasadena Pacers and then Whittier Pacers, with Maria serving as a coach). As the pandemic shut down everything, the Delgadillos started running in their Azusa neighborhood, which they had never done before. They soon realized there was so much to offer in Azusa—great routes and so much beauty. They decided it was time to give back to their own community and started their own Pacer Nation Chapter in Azusa.

Come join Maria, Frank, and the rest of the Azusa Pacers on a run sometime, won’t you?

Maria & Frank

Maria started with the Pasadena Pacers in August of 2017 after hearing about it from a friend. With a goal of someday running a marathon, Maria loved the free running club, with friendly and welcoming folks, and free snacks at the end of the runs. (Maria notes the snacks really sealed the deal.) She continued training for her very first marathon—and having fun all the while. She grew fond of the club and met amazing people.

In 2018, she ran her very first full marathon in Los Angeles—a day she will never forget. One of the brightest spots was the Mile 20 Cheer Station, hosted by none other than her beloved Pacers. It was very emotional seeing the Pacer family cheering, attending to runners, and pouring out so much love! A month later Maria was asked to be the Half Marathon Coach for the new Pacer Chapter in Whittier. Maria was honored, grew incredibly fond of her group, and began enjoying helping runners BELIEVE in themselves and encouraging them to run their first half marathon. Suddenly it wasn’t about Maria, but rather about others, and that was the most rewarding thing for her. She embraced the title of Coach and became RRCA certified.

Since then, she’s run three full marathons and countless half marathons, 10Ks & 5Ks, and have been enjoying coaching to its fullest.

Frank started running as a freshman in high school and made it into the varsity team. He ran all four years in high school, breaking several records. He stopped running right after high school never to wear running shoes again, so he thought, until 2016 when finally, Maria was able to convince him to come join the Pacers. Once he started running, he got that runner’s high again, and he was hooked all over again!  He ran his second marathon in 2019. When running with the Pacers, he always stays in the back making sure no one is left behind and stays safe.  He is a great athlete and completed his first Ironman.

Want to know more about our team? Learn more about our coaches here.