May 13, 2020 UPDATE: In accordance with government guidelines, all Pacer runs and events are until further notice. In order to maintain social distancing, we do not recommend running with someone from a different household.
As this situation changes rapidly, please refer to current recommendations from state and national health authorities for best practices during this pandemic.
COVID-19 Running FAQs
Updated March 30, 2020
Can I still run during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Yes. Though you should NOT run if you are feeling unwell or are under self-quarantine (voluntary or mandatory).
We do not recommend running with someone from a different household. If you go for a solo run, please use extra caution to:
- Wash hands before and after any run.
- Shower after your workouts as soon as possible.
- Run in locations without too many people.
- Be safe:
- Let someone know where you are going and when you expect to be back.
- Bring a phone so you can contact home or emergency services services.
- Follow all normal running safety guidelines.
As this situation changes rapidly, please refer to current recommendations from state and national health authorities for best practices during this pandemic.
When will the Pasadena Pacer runs start up again?
At this time, we are canceling all runs and events until further notice. We will reevaluate our plans closer to that date and communicate any updates when we have them.