

The Pasadena Pacers is a free running club (no membership fees!) which means that it requires volunteers and donations to keep going and growing. The coaches and leadership team members all volunteer their time, but there are a few ways in which every member can lend a hand.  You’ll find that giving back feels just as good as reaping the benefits of being a part of this great community!

Volunteer – Every Saturday, we need volunteers to supply water for the water stations and provide the fruit, juice, and bagels that are available after everyone finishes their long run. Scroll down to signup for upcoming volunteer opportunities.

Cheer – Help man a cheer station or water station at any of the Pacers-supported races.  We all love to run organized races, but the experience is augmented when your Pacer friends are out cheering you on–especially in the middle of a hard stretch! Please provide the same support for others when you can. You WILL have fun!

Donate – Because we want the Pasadena Pacers to be available to everyone, we do not have membership fees. But in order to provide an optimal club experience and keep us growing, we do incur operational and marketing expenses from time to time. So if you’re able, please visit the Green Can on Saturday morning and drop in a few bucks (more on that here).

Current Sign-up Sheets

Title Date Open Spots  
General Volunteer Form N/A 10
Sunday, January 19, 2025 Rose Bowl Half Marathon Water Station N/A 45
Saturday, January 18, 2024, Rose Bowl (Tables) January 18, 2025 18
Saturday, January 25, 2024, Rose Bowl (Tables) January 25, 2025 18