Grab your HIKING shoes and let’s go “Chasing Waterfalls”! It’s our last hike of the summer and we are making this a fun hike that everyone can participate in. Here are the details… Meet at: 6:45am as we will depart on our hike at 7:00am sharp. Round trip will be 4.5 miles Wear HIKING shoes.… more
Welcome to our 2nd hike of our Summer Hike Series. Join us for a hike to the Hollywood Sign! Everyone is welcome. Bring enough water and snacks as it will likely be a very hot day. Remember to wear sunblock and trail shoes for your safety. Hiking is a great tool to help build your… more
Summer is almost here and it’s time to hit the trails. Join us for our first hike of the summer. Please bring enough water for yourself and then pack an extra bottle. We’d like to invite you to bring a potluck snack you can share with others. Something light as the hike up is just… more