
By Steve Smith, Pasadena Pacer Founder and Team Doc Today was the 21st year the Pacers Running Club ran the Los Angeles Marathon. I really don’t know how many of our runners participated, maybe 200, maybe less. I’m not sure how many Pacers came out to cheer for the runners out on the course but… more
By Dr. Steve Smith, Pasadena Pacer Founder and Team Doc You are about two weeks away from the Big Race. It has been months of early rising, suiting up in your running gear, and heading out the door with your hydration pack in hand. You’ve had to head back in the house more than once… more
By Dr. Steve Smith “I have a pain in my knee, what should I do?” I overheard a runner ask his friend last week. I listened, mostly to see what kind of advice would be given, thinking the friend might be a physical therapist or a doctor. This could be good; I might pick up… more
As Pasadena Pacers, we are large in numbers and take up a lot more space on the road than you might realize. General safety tips from the Road Runners Club of America can be found here. Below are some safety tips specifically for Pasadena Pacers with notes from our founder, Dr. Steve Smith: Run single file… more
What is the Green Can? Green Can getting fed at our Annual Pancake Flip-off. The Pasadena Pacers is a friendly, FREE running club. Well, free to all runners but not free to operate. We’ve got bills like everyone else which means we need to generate all our operating costs from donated… more
Last weekend was another landmark of Pacer achievements! About a dozen Pacers ran the California International Marathon (CIM) over the weekend, with nine completing the course fast enough to qualify to run the Boston Marathon in 2018! At least 23 runners represented the Pacers at Ridgecrest this year, and three won trophies! Bobby Romero was… more