
Learn more about the Pasadena Pacer’s LA Marathon training program. Join Team 12’s closed Facebook group. Norma Angulo 12 min/mile Pace Leader (Editor Note: Norma also serves as our Calendar Coordinator) How long have you been with the Pasadena Pacers? 4 1/2 years. How many marathons have you run? This will be my third marathon (second as… more
Learn more about the Pasadena Pacer’s LA Marathon training program. Join Team 9’s closed Facebook group. Kristina Hilton 9 min/mile Pace Leader (Editor Note: Kristina also serves as our Apparel Coordinator) How long have you been with the Pasadena Pacers? I have been a Pacer for four years. I joined after meeting a few Pacers… more
By Dr. Steve Smith, Pacers Founder and Team Doc Abdominal strength has a real and immediate effect on your running gait, and the faster you go, the more your abdominal muscles participate in your gait. Many running injuries can be traced back to weak core muscles that result in poor running biomechanics. If you are looking… more
Attention, Pacers! We are excited to present the 2017-2018 Race Calendar. We know there are many, many amazing races out there—and we encourage you to run the ones you feel super stoked about—but as a club we can only support so many. The races on the calendar will have training programs, Pasadena Pacer support onsite, and… more
By Dr. Steve Smith, Pasadena Pacer Founder and Team Doc The Pasadena Pacers continues to be the go-to place to run, train, and make friends! We just signed a partnership agreement with the Conqur Endurance Group, the folks behind the Pasadena Half Marathon and the Skechers Performance Los Angeles Marathon, that will further propel our… more
We get you to the start. We cheer for you at the finish. Training for the 2019 Skechers Performance Los Angeles Marathon starts September 29, 2018! Some things to know about the Pasadena Pacer Marathon Training Program: We are an official training partner of the Los Angeles Marathon. Yep, we’re certified and bonafide as such. Our training program is… more
Dr. Smith here. Fellow Pacers, the unthinkable has happened: Coach Hilda has retired from coaching! I’m not sad though, just very proud of her accomplishments. I completely understand her wanting to close this chapter of her life. She has a new life, with a nice companion, and new activities. There really is more to life… more
By Dr. Steve Smith, Pasadena Pacer Founder and Team Doc We live in southern California where hot days are a fact of life. As such, it’s important we discuss some tips to keep you safe, healthy, and running. Run Early. If you are going long, go early. If you are training for a marathon and… more
By Dr. Steve Smith, Pasadena Pacer Founder and Team Doc A Pacer cheers from the crowd. I went up to Ventura last weekend to see the finish line at the Mountains 2 Beach Marathon. We had a lot of Pacers up there and some were running the race of their lives.… more
By Dr. Steve Smith, Pacers Founder and Team Doc What is said about people of high standing is rarely consistent with their true character. Last weekend my son told me, “Never meet your heroes. It is better to leave them as heroes and to continue to believe in them.” I have found this often to… more