Dr. Smith here. Fellow Pacers, the unthinkable has happened: Coach Hilda has retired from coaching!

I’m not sad though, just very proud of her accomplishments. I completely understand her wanting to close this chapter of her life. She has a new life, with a nice companion, and new activities. There really is more to life than running and she should go and enjoy it. We do hope to see her out running with the Pacers from time-to-time, though.
And my love to Hilda continues with this personal thanks:
Hilda, Life is lived in a series of chapters; life is also lived in tiny moments. I remember the moment you finished the Ultra Marathon in Connemara, your birthday party at Linda’s house, the night we celebrated you becoming a United States citizen and walking the streets of Madrid.
You have come a long way in the years I have known you. You became a citizen, which is one of my favorite highlights of the Pacer running club. You put your daughter through school, then college, and did a fine job raising her. You coached the Marathon group for 10 years and contributed to the success of probably a thousand people. You traveled and ran in Ireland, Spain, London, and Nepal. You topped the heights to the roof of the world and back again. You have helped to raise families and made happy homes for other to live in. You have been a river of help, kindness, and inspiration to your people.
You are truly an extraordinary human being. I admire you and will be forever grateful to you for all you have done for your community. You are always welcome in my office free of charge as long as I am in practice.
You are very much loved. High wages in return for all your efforts!
(Dr. Steve Smith, Pasadena Pacer Founder and Team Doc)