Over the past couple of months, we have introduced our LA Marathon Training team, consisting of our Marathon Coach and Pace Leaders. We continue this series by introducing our Coaches and members of our Leadership Team. Today, we learn more about Wil, our Pre-Conditioners Coach, who has a unique story to share about how he found love–for running and the love of his life–with the Pasadena Pacers!
In March 2009, I visited the Pasadena Pacers for the first time. Due to prior back and knee injuries, I arrived believing that my athletic days were behind me. I joined the Pre-Conditioners team led by Coach Dave McCarthy, and was somewhat skeptical about my ability to complete the program. With the encouragement of Pacer Nation Co-Founder Robin Smith, her BFF Lorraine Lerner and our ever-supportive teammates, I graduated from the 12-week program and caught the same running bug that many of you have. I was hooked! Looking back, I can’t believe I completed the 10 Mile Challenge, and then ran marathons! #PacerLife
The Pacers had an annual “Run to Philippe, The Original” restaurant each June. Little did I know, I had met the love of my life at that restaurant, and she was a Pacer too! It was #PacerLove at first sight, for me!
We became friends first, and then started dating. As the saying goes, the rest is history. In November 2014, we welcomed our son, who is now 7 years old, and our bond as a family has grown and flourished. This all happened because we both decided to take a chance to join and run with the #PacerFamily.
I am grateful that Dr. Steve and Robin Smith, Pacer Nation’s amazing founders, saw our community’s need for a run family that welcomes all. Without the Pacers, I would not have my wonderful family, group of friends, and the opportunity to help others to discover and step into their own strength. Open your heart, mind, and spirit because you are also on an adventurous journey to destiny!
Our Pasadena Pacers are more than just a running group, it’s a family and life-changing experience!
And that, my fellow Pacers, is how I met Oli’s mother, Marta!
A hearty thank you to everyone who has welcomed, encouraged, and allowed me to be part of our run family. Smile, greet, and encourage each other because we are Pacers and you never know what that will lead to. This is #ThePacerWay!