Meet our Ten Mile Challenge Coaches: Coach Steve and Assistant Coach Mark

Over the past few weeks, we have introduced (and re-introduced!) the members of our awesome coaching team. We’ve found out why they run and some fun facts that could spark a conversation during your next group run! This week, we continue our series with our Ten Mile Challenge Coach, Coach Steve, and Assistant Coach, Coach Mark!

Name: Steve Domier
Which group do you run with?: 10 Mile Challenge
How long have you been with the Pasadena Pacers? So long I really can’t recall…
How many marathons have you run? You’re kidding, right? 0
Why do you run? For exercise and fellowship, not necessarily in that order.
Favorite post run snack/meal? Drink of Gatorade with beta-alanine added.
Occupation: Communications consultant/University lecturer at LMU’s School of Film & Television
Hometown: San Marino
What do you do for fun? Everything I do is fun!
Do you have a secret talent? (Please share): My superpower is that babies love me. ????
Anything else you’d like your fellow Pacers to know? The team of coaches that support the 10 Mile Challenge Group are amazing, and I am very grateful to them!

Name: Mark Harvis
Which group do you run with?: 10 mile challenge
How long have you been with the Pasadena Pacers? About 10 years
How many marathons have you run? 0
Why do you run? I started to get into better shape. But I realized I was not advancing when running on my own. I joined the Pacers, was welcomed with open arms, and found a really great community of nice folks with a common goal/passion. I’m still running to stay/get in shape but the social aspect of the Pacers is awesome. Just a terrific group of folks
Favorite post run snack/meal? Breakfast!
Running Mantra: None, really.
Occupation: Retired Los Angeles County Deputy Public Defender
Hometown: Stockton
What do you do for fun? Woodworking, volunteering. And run, of course.
Do you have a secret talent? (Please share): Sorry, no superhero stuff here.
Anything else you’d like your fellow Pacers to know? Naw.