Learn more about the Pasadena Pacer’s LA Marathon training program.
Krista Moll
Pasadena Pacers LAM Team Manager
(Editor’s Note: Krista also serves on our Social Media Team)
How long have you been with the Pasadena Pacers? Three years.
How many marathons have you run? Three (Dublin and Los Angeles x2)
Why do you run? I have the best running partner who taught me running was awesome.
Favorite post run snack/meal? Beer and Mexican food.
Running mantra: Running keeps the crazy train out of the station.
Occupation: Project Manager
Hometown: Minnetonka, MN
What do you do for fun? Cheer on the Minnesota Vikings!
Do you have a secret talent? I wish!
Anything else you’d like your fellow Pacers to know? No matter why you’re running, I think it’s awesome you’re a part of the Pasadena Pacers! Everyone joined for different reasons, but why you stay may be for something else. I learned I love the community that the Pacers Nation has.