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Kristina Hilton
9 min/mile Pace Leader
(Editor Note: Kristina also serves as our Apparel Coordinator)
How long have you been with the Pasadena Pacers? I have been a Pacer for four years. I joined after meeting a few Pacers at the Pasadena Half Marathon expo in 2013.
How many marathons have you run? Two. I ran my first and second marathon this year (2017) I’ve also done five half marathons, a 30k, and many 5k and 10k races.
Why do you run? I always tell people: Because I have never looked or felt better! Running is my hobby. It keeps me in shape, and feeling so happy. It provides a sense of contentment that I never had before I started running. The running community is the best community there is and I am so happy and thankful to be a part of it.
Favorite post-run snack/meal? I love to do an omelet or protein shake.
Running mantra: Positive thinking. I also think about my posture and I’ll tell myself things like: “head up” or “be light on my feet.”
Occupation: I am a patternmaker for Guess. (Yes, the jeans company. My job is just like engineering, but for clothes.)
Hometown: Born in Poway, California. Raised in Menifee, California.
What do you do for fun? Besides running, I like to hang out with friends, go out to eat, shopping, and watch movies.
Do you have a secret talent? N/A
Anything else you’d like your fellow Pacers to know? I had a major injury to my quadriceps muscle which took me off running for a year in 2014. Having gone through that changed me completely as a runner. I’ve learned not to take my body for granted and, as important as it is to push and challenge yourself, it’s also important to rest, eat healthy foods, and be happy while you train. Go easy on yourself every once in a while; your body will thank you.
Michael Ramos
9 min/mile Assistant Pace Leader
(Editor Note: Michael also serves as our co-Race Coordinator)
How long have you been a Pacer? This is my 5th year with the Pacers.
How many Marathons have you run? I have run six marathons and 51 half marathons.
Why do you run? Running is my form of moving meditation. It’s my time during each day to really get away from it all and be with my thoughts. Running is the one activity that’s physically exhausting, but mentally and emotionally recharging. Every run presents a new challenge, a new opportunity to push myself, and a new time to reflect on everything else going on. Simply put, running is my sanity.
Favorite post-run snack/meal? I like fresh fruit, mango being my favorite.
Running mantra: Go out and enjoy it.
Occupation: Property Management.
Hometown: Azusa, California
What do you do for fun? I enjoy gardening, watching team sports, and history.
Do you have a secret talent? I can flick a soccer ball with one of my feet on to my head and stall it on my face like a seal.
Anything else you’d like your fellow Pacers to know? I like cats.