Revel Canyon Water/Cheer Stations

Date: November 4, 2017

Meet at 4:45am in the Ross parking lot (830 East Alosta Ave, Azusa). We’re going to leave most cars there and head to our aid stations. We should be done by 10:30am for the half marathon/lower aid station volunteers and 11am for full marathon/upper aid station volunteers. Dress warmly.

Of course, volunteers are welcome to stay and enjoy themselves at the cheer tent!

Sign up below...

Select Task(s)Task / ItemName
Select Task(s)Task / ItemName
full marathon/upper aid station#1: Bobby R.
#2: Monica B.
#3: Audrey M.
#4: Rebecca V.
#5: Maira R.
#6: Elizabeth D.
#7: Andrew A.
#8: Ruben Q.
#9: Cathy G.
#10: Kas A.
#11: Mario A.
#12: Audrey E.
half marathon/lower aid station#1: Carol R.
#2: Mark S.
#3: Nancy R.
#4: Warren M.
#5: Edda B.
#6: Rick B.
#7: Ydnic (Cindy) C.
#8: Peter L.
#9: Ariana G.
#10: Carlos M.
#11: Karen L.
#12: (empty) - sign-ups closed