It’s finally 2021 Los Angeles Marathon (LAM) time! We’re so proud of each and every one of you running in LAM. You trained hard and you’re ready.  Race Expo (all race participants will need to pick up their race bibs at the Expo at (Dodgers Stadium) Check out the https: LAM official website for Expo details,… more
Did we tell you red looks good on you? ‘Cause it does. It totally does. Show your Pacer love by suiting up in Pasadena Pacer swag. We’ve got our friends at Run With Us coming out to our Saturday Morning long run on Saturday, September 25th at 7am. They will be sizing us for Jackets… more
Setting a goal and getting started gives you the feeling that everything is going to be all right. Personal goals have a way of putting your life in order, then one goal seems to set you on a path where everything becomes orderly and life comes into alignment. But goals have to be worthy of… more
  New runners can get overwhelmed with the amount of available running gear and often don’t know where to start. Consider this your start line. For your very first run, just about any gear will do. But as you make this a regular thing, you’re going to want to be as comfortable as possible. This… more
By Dr. Steve Smith, Pacers Founder and Team Doc On the first Sunday in June, Robin and I stood dead center of the Rose Bowl’s Lot K. It was early and the parking lot was empty. Nearly a year of planning and it all came down to this. We sent out flyers by mail and… more
Michael Ramos, Pasadena Pacer President Previously our Vice President, Michael started his President tenure having photographed almost every Pacer who has run a race in the last four years. He shows up early to all Pacer races to offer support to our runners, a genuine gesture that is beyond appreciated. Learn more about Michael below… more
By Dr. Steve Smith, Pacers Founder and Team Doc Revel Big Bear is on our race calendar and it’s time to start training. It’s a big downhill race, big for the altitude loss of nearly 5,000 feet. I don’t know of another race with that big of a loss anywhere else in the country.  It… more
The Pasadena Pacers announce Dave McCarthy, our Pre-Conditioner Coach, will retire from coaching at the conclusion of this cycle on Saturday, April 27. We are saddened to see him leave this position, but know it is not goodbye, just a changing of the guard. Dave has been a long-time champion of runners—all runners. He steadfastly… more
By Dr. Steve Smith, Pasadena Pacer Founder and Team Doc Crossing the finish line is a feeling like no other. Barriers have been breached. You have attempted the impossible, and you did it! You can feel the power of accomplishment and you are looking into the future with a whole new attitude. You know you… more
The Pacer Nation is pleased to announce the start of two new clubs: Salt Lake City, UT and South Orange County (OC), CA. These clubs are started by Pasadena Pacers members who have moved away and decided they just had to bring Pacer love to their new communities. The Salt Lake City Chapter founder John… more