
To help keep Pacers connected, we’re having our May Pacer Chaser on Zoom. It’s not like meeting in-person, but we’ll give it a try again. When:   Thursday, May 7, 8:00 pm Where:  From your home. Just log on from your computer or phone. How:     Join Zoom Meeting : Meeting ID: 722 5939 8105… more
Our local running store, Run With Us, has been severely impacted by COVID-19. Although most runners believe that running stores are an “essential business”,  the government does not agree and running stores can not be open to the public now. Run With Us, is a great supporter of Pacers — please help support them now.  For… more
To help keep Pacers connected, we’re having our April Pacer Chaser on Zoom. It’s not like meeting in-person, but we’ll give it a try When:   Thursday, April 2, 8:00 pm Where:  From your home. Just log on from your computer or phone. How:     Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 609 496 8820. Please… more
Thank you for volunteering for the Pacers 20 Mile Cheer Station on Sunday, November 7th! Your time, talents, donations, and support of fellow runners and walkers are greatly appreciated. Below is a summary that should provide you with all the information that you need. If you have any questions or need more details, please send… more
It’s finally 2021 Los Angeles Marathon (LAM) time! We’re so proud of each and every one of you running in LAM. You trained hard and you’re ready.  Race Expo (all race participants will need to pick up their race bibs at the Expo at LA Convention Center) Check out the LAM official website for Expo… more
As a Conqur affiliated running club, Pasadena Pacers are being given special treatment again! If you are registered for LAM in the Open Corral (not a seeded corral) you can choose to move forward to Corral E. The only catch, you must register online as a Pasadena Pacer by January 31. To register, click this… more
Great News!!!  Dr. De La Cruz is conducting another speed program on Tuesday evenings. Training for the LA Marathon on March 8 2020? Or are you interested in working to improve your speed, then check out the Introductory Speed Program coached by Dr. Andres T. De La Cruz, DC, CSCS. This program is FREE to… more
IMPORTANT UPDATE:  March 4: The three shuttle buses are full. If you did not register/pay, please do NOT expect to just show up and get a seat on the shuttle bus. Looking for a ride to the start line of the 2020 Los Angeles Marathon? We got you covered. There will be a shuttle from… more
The Pasadena 5K and Half Marathon is finally here!!! Let’s get excited. Below are some helpful hints that should make race day easier and less overwhelming. Please refer to the website for official bib pickup, race day information (e.g., parking, road closures, other details), etc.. Official Race Bib Pickup and Pacers Wristband Pickup: Registered… more
Training for the Pasadena Half in January 2020?  If you are interested in working on your speed, then check out the new Introductory Speed Program coached by Dr. Andres T. De La Cruz, DC, CSCS. This program is FREE to Pacers – yes, free — no cost. Dr. De La Cruz is a sports chiropractor,… more